...in the distance, a survivor's voice trembles, "Hello...???" A bone-chilling breeze sweeps through, wrapping the air in an icy grip. The ominous sound of footsteps echoes, drawing nearer with each heartbeat. "Is someone there?" The footsteps abruptly begin to retreat, swallowed by the oppressive silence that descends like a shroud over the desolate zone.
Survivors! If you can see this urgent message on your visual headset, then you hold the key to aiding a desperate traveler. Your choice to help could forge new alliances for our community—or unleash chaos upon us all. The stakes are high, but I believe the risk is worth it.
This opportunity to act is fleeting, and there’s something crucial I must reveal that could chill your resolve. If you’re unaware, brace yourself for the harsh truth: many communities in the zone are not as fortunate as yours. Medicine is nearly extinct, and other resources have dwindled to the point of vanishing. I mention this because desperation drives them wild, and they are hungry—for anything they can find.
We must act swiftly. We need 50 fuel and 50 food to reach the survivor before it’s too late. Time is running out—prepare yourselves.
Note: Game stat updates can be found on X (formerly Twitter) at https://x.com/lagmonstergame
Survivors have about 24 hours to gather the required resources. Ends Friday, 23:39 EST